10 Signs He’s Taking You for Granted

10 Signs He’s Taking You for Granted

Being in a relationship should mean mutual respect, appreciation, and effort. But sometimes, a partner can start to take you for granted, whether intentionally or not. Recognizing the signs that he’s not valuing you as he should can help you decide how to address these issues. Here are ten telltale signs that he may be taking you for granted.

1. He Stops Doing the Little Things

In the early days, he might have gone out of his way to show he cared, like bringing you flowers, complimenting you, or planning small surprises. If he’s stopped making these thoughtful gestures, it could be a sign he’s become complacent. Thoughtfulness is a strong indication of appreciation, and when it’s lacking, it might mean he’s no longer making an effort to keep the romance alive.

2. He Expects You to Initiate Plans

When someone values your time and presence, they’ll actively want to spend time with you and make plans to see you. If he’s stopped suggesting dates, doesn’t take the lead on planning, or leaves it all up to you, he might be taking for granted that you’ll always be available. Relationships are a two-way street, and it shouldn’t feel like a one-person job to keep things exciting.

3. He Doesn’t Acknowledge Your Efforts

Whether it’s doing something special for his birthday, planning a getaway, or just making his favorite dinner, you put in effort to make him happy. If he’s stopped noticing or acknowledging these gestures, it’s a red flag. Lack of appreciation for the time and effort you put in is a clear sign he’s come to expect it as routine rather than recognizing it as an act of love.

4. He Prioritizes His Friends Over You

Everyone needs time with their friends, but if he regularly puts you second to his social life or cancels your plans last minute to hang out with his friends, it may be a sign he’s taking you for granted. A partner who values you will make a balanced effort to spend quality time with you and won’t treat his social life as a priority every time.

5. He Assumes You’ll Always Forgive Him

Mistakes and disagreements happen in all relationships, and forgiveness is important. But if he repeatedly makes the same mistakes without showing he’s willing to change, it could be that he’s taking your forgiveness for granted. If he expects you to forgive him unconditionally and without putting in the effort to make things right, he may not fully appreciate your kindness.

6. He’s Distant When You Need Support

A partner should be there for you during both good and challenging times. If he’s unavailable, dismissive, or emotionally distant when you need support, it could be a sign he’s not valuing your needs. This lack of empathy is often an indicator that he’s not invested in providing the support and comfort that a healthy relationship requires.

7. He Doesn’t Respect Your Boundaries

Boundaries are essential for a healthy relationship, and they should be respected at all times. If he disregards your boundaries—whether it’s invading your personal space, taking over your time without asking, or pushing you to do things you’re uncomfortable with—it’s a sign he’s not respecting your autonomy. Someone who takes you for granted will often assume you’ll go along with whatever he wants, ignoring your needs and limits.

8. He Expects You to Handle the Chores or Responsibilities

In a balanced relationship, responsibilities should be shared. If he expects you to take on the bulk of the chores, manage finances, or handle the relationship’s logistics without offering to help, it’s likely he’s taking advantage of your willingness. A healthy relationship involves a fair distribution of tasks, not one person doing all the heavy lifting.

9. He Stops Communicating Openly

Good communication is the backbone of any relationship, and when it starts to falter, it’s often a sign of underlying issues. If he’s become evasive, stopped sharing his thoughts and feelings, or doesn’t put in the effort to discuss issues openly, he may be taking the relationship for granted. Someone who values you will want to maintain an open line of communication to ensure both partners feel heard and connected.

10. He Doesn’t Make You Feel Special

You deserve to feel loved, appreciated, and cherished. If he’s stopped complimenting you, showing affection, or going out of his way to make you feel valued, it’s likely he’s taking you for granted. A partner who appreciates you will show it through both words and actions, making sure you feel like you matter.

What To Do If He’s Taking You for Granted

If you recognize some of these signs in your relationship, it’s essential to address them. Start by communicating your feelings calmly and honestly. Let him know how his actions have made you feel and discuss how both of you can work together to bring back the respect, appreciation, and balance that might be missing. Sometimes, people don’t realize they’re taking their partner for granted, and an open conversation can be a wake-up call. However, if he continues the behavior despite your efforts, it might be time to reassess the relationship and consider whether he’s truly the right person for you.

In a healthy relationship, both partners feel appreciated and valued. Identifying these signs can empower you to take control of your happiness, either by addressing the issues or by deciding to move forward in a way that brings you the love and respect you deserve.

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