16 Signs He Likes You But Is Hiding It

16 Signs He Likes You But Is Hiding It

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As a relationship counselor, I have discovered that it is normal for romantic feelings to be complicated. This is not far-fetched because a guy might have feelings for you and want to keep his emotions under wraps. It can be even harder to decode his true intentions.

The reasons why he chooses to hide his feelings can vary, whether due to shyness, fear of rejection, or simply because he might be unsure of your feelings in return. However, actions will always speak louder than words, and certain signs will reveal what words don’t, showing how he feels about you even if he’s trying hard to conceal them.

In this blog post, I will show you some of the important signs that he likes you but is hiding it. These subtle behaviors and body language cues will help you figure out if he likes you or not.


16 Undeniable Signs He Likes You (Even Though He’s Trying Hard To Hide It)

You need to put an end to your confusion, so read these signs and see if he likes you or not, because they are very clear indicators of his feelings.


1. He Finds Excuses To Be Near You

One of the most obvious signs he likes you but is hiding it is when he always seems to find excuses to be near you no matter how inconvenient it might be.

Whether it’s sitting next to you in a group setting, casually walking past your desk at work, or finding reasons to spend time around you, he just wants to be where you are. The fact that he desires to be near you is a clear indication that he’s interested in you but might not feel confident enough to express it outright to you.


2. He Engages In Prolonged Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the most glaring signs of attraction, and it’s often one of the signs he secretly likes you.

Note; If he holds your gaze for a little longer than necessary or locks eyes with you across the room, it’s a clear sign that he’s drawn to you. Also, if you look around more than once and you notice his eyes on you, it’s a sign that he likes you.

Furthermore, if he maintains prolonged eye contact with you afterward and shows a shy smile or a slight look of embarrassment afterward, he definitely likes you.

Just so you know, he might quickly look away when you catch him staring, but his frequent glances in your direction are hard to miss. This subtle signal will reveal what words may not.


3. He Remembers Small Details About You

One of the ways I knew my husband was interested in me was that I would mention something in passing and he would follow me up on it. I once jokingly told him that I might soon start yoga to become more flexible and days after, he asked when I was starting the Yoga class. Imagine my shock.

When someone likes you, they tend to pay extra attention to the things you say and do. If he remembers seemingly insignificant details about you; like your favorite coffee order, a story you mentioned once, or an important event in your life, it’s a sure sign he’s interested in you.

This is one of the signs he likes you but is hiding it because remembering these little things shows that he’s genuinely interested and attentive, even if he’s trying to play it cool.

As in my case earlier, for example, if you casually mention an upcoming event, and he brings it up days later, it’s a clear indication that he’s been paying close attention to your words.


4. He Acts Nervous Or Fidgety Around You

Nervousness can be a sign that he’s worried about how you perceive him which shows that your opinion matters to him even if he acts like he doesn’t care.

One of the signs he likes you but is trying not to show it is his body language. If he seems nervous, fidgety, or unsure of himself when he’s around you, it could be a reflection of his feelings.

Guys who are trying to hide their attraction often struggle to maintain their composure.

Have you ever watched those movies where the male character displays awkward behaviors like playing with their hands, avoiding direct eye contact, or stumbling over their words in the presence of their heroine, this is one of those behaviors that shows he likes you but he is hiding it.


5. He Often Initiates Conversations Or Texts

Truthfully, a guy who likes you will often find ways to stay in touch. If he frequently initiates conversations, whether in person or through texts, it’s one of the ways to know he is into you.

He may ask you casual questions or share things about his day just to keep the interaction going, showing that he values your connection.

He might even come up with very random things to keep the conversation going. You need to further know the truth, and pay attention to how often he reaches out.

If he’s the one starting most of your conversations, he might be thinking about you more than he is letting on.


6. He Compliments You Subtly

Guys who are trying to hide their feelings often won’t shower you with obvious compliments, but instead, they’ll offer subtle praise.

Whether he comments on your appearance, work, or personality traits, these understated compliments shows he likes you.

He might say something like, “You’re really good at that,” or “I like your sense of humor,” without making a big deal out of it. When he keeps them coming, you should be more aware and take note.

Here are some examples of obvious compliments:

  • You look amazing today!
  • You’re incredibly talented.
  • I love your smile!
  • You’re the smartest person I know.
  • You always know how to make people feel good.

And some examples of subtle compliments:

  • That color really suits you.
  • You have a way of making things work.
  • You always seem to know the right thing to say.
  • You have great taste.
  • I noticed you handled that situation really well.


7. He Mirrors Your Actions Or Speech

Mirroring is a subconscious behavior where someone mimics your actions, body language, or even speech patterns.

A guy I once dated had a way in which he kept his hands, I started keeping my hands like that a few months later. So, if you notice that he starts to adopt some of your gestures, phrases, or tone of voice, it’s one of the signs he likes you but is hiding it.

People, including babies, naturally mirror those they’re attracted to as a way of building rapport and connection, often without even realizing it.

For example, if you cross your arms, and he follows suit, or if you use a certain word or phrase and he repeats it later, it shows that he’s subconsciously aligning himself with you.


8. He Finds Reasons To Touch You Casually

Touch is a powerful form of non-verbal communication, and if a guy is interested in you, he will often find subtle ways to initiate physical contact.

Whether it’s a light touch on your arm during a conversation, a playful nudge, or brushing past you, these casual touches are one of the body language signs he likes you but is hiding it.


9. He Asks About Your Interests And Hobbies

A guy who likes you will show genuine curiosity about your life. If he frequently asks about your interests, hobbies, or opinions, it’s one of the ways to know if a guy secretly likes you.

If he was interested in casual life, he would not be asking where you grew up, your experiences, your plans for the future, your fears and dreams. This is a way for him to connect with you on a deeper level and find common ground.


10. He Goes Out Of His Way To Help You

When a guy likes you but is hiding it, he often tries to show his feelings through actions rather than words.

If he goes out of his way to help you; whether it’s offering a ride, helping with a project, or simply being there when you need support, it’s one of the signs he likes you but is hiding it.

He may not express his emotions in words, but his actions will speak loudly. His willingness to be there for you, even when it’s inconvenient for him, shows that he values your happiness and well-being.

Remember, you will not sacrifice for someone you don’t love.


11. He Seems Genuinely Interested In Your Life

In this day and age, genuine interest is real. If he’s consistently asking about your well-being and checking in with you, it’s likely because he’s developing strong feelings, even if he hasn’t openly expressed them. This shows his desire to know more about you on a personal level which means he likes you.


12. He Tries To Make You Laugh Or Smile

We want the people we love to be happy, don’t we? Humor is a powerful way to create a connection, and a guy who is interested in you will often go out of his way to make you laugh.

If he frequently tries to make jokes, share funny stories, or lighten the mood around you, it’s one of the obvious signs he likes you but is hiding it. Making you smile is his way of showing his feelings for you, even though he might not be forthcoming by confessing to you.


13. He Gets Jealous When You Talk About Other Guys

Jealousy can be a major giveaway when someone likes you but is trying to keep it under wraps. If he seems uncomfortable or jealous when you mention other guys whether it’s a coworker, friend, or someone you’re dating, it’s one of the proof that he loves you.

His jealousy may manifest subtly, like through a change in body language or tone, but it’s a clear indication that he’s concerned about losing your attention to someone else.


14. He Pays Extra Attention To Your Needs And Feelings

If that guy seems interested or attuned to how you’re feeling, remembers when you’ve mentioned needing support, or checks in when you’re having a tough day, it’s one of the signs he likes you but is hiding it.

His attentiveness shows that he’s emotionally invested in your well-being, even though he hasn’t openly expressed his feelings.


15. He Often Talks About You To His Friends

When a guy likes you but is hiding it, he may not tell you directly, but he’s likely talking about you to his friends and family. If you find out his friends and family seem to know a lot about you, it’s one of the signs he likes you but is hiding it. This means that you’re on his mind, and he is probably seeking advice or simply can’t stop thinking about you.


16. He Remembers And Celebrates Your Achievements

If he goes out of his way to acknowledge your accomplishments, whether it’s a promotion at work, completing a personal goal, or even small victories it’s a clear sign that he’s interested in your success and he wants to see you win.

This is one of the signs he likes you but is hiding it because it shows that he cares about what’s important to you and wants to be part of your journey.


The Bottom Line On Signs He Likes You But Is Hiding It

When it comes to romance, actions will always speak louder than words. If you’ve noticed some or all of these signs he likes you but is hiding it, it’s likely that he has feelings for you but isn’t ready to confess them just yet.


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