20 Affirmations to Survive Mercury Retrograde
Zodiac Signs

20 Affirmations to Survive Mercury Retrograde

The key to surviving Mercury Retrograde is to just go with it. During this period, hic-ups are bound to occur so instead of getting angry and fighting it; focus on what IS going right and center yourself to adjust to any situation. In this post, discover 20 affirmations to use during Mercury Retrograde to regain your center and chill the fuck out.

Scientifically, What is Mercury Retrograde?

Planets move from east to west around the sun. When a planet is in retrograde it creates the illusion of moving backward, from west to east instead. Because Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, its orbit is much shorter than Earth’s so about three or four times a year, Mercury speeds past Earth creating the backward illusion, this is Mercury retrograde.

Astrologically, What is Mercury Retrograde?

In astrology, it is believed that when a planet is in retrograde it is resting or sleeping. As a result, the areas that the planet governs are essentially being unsupervised which tends to make a mess of the activities connected.

Mercury rules communication, documents, travel, and electronics. Communication such as listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. Documents such as contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, wills, and so forth. Travel such as cars, flights, trains, etc. Electronics such as phones, computers, tablets, internet services, etc. As you have probably put together, mercury rules a lot so when it’s in retrograde the general vibe is chaos.

Simply, affirmations are phrases you say out loud or think to yourself. In detail, affirmation defined means the act of affirming. Hence, when you say or think a phrase repeatedly, you are affirming that it is true. These phrases can be positive or negative. Obviously, negative affirmations make you feel bad whereas positive affirmations make you feel amazing. For example, repeating “I am dumb” will make you feel sad whereas repeating “I am smart” will make you feel happy. To make it more specific to this topic, repeating “I am not good at anything and I am a failure” makes you feel sad, stressed, and anxious; however, repeating “I am learning how to be better and because of that, success follows me” will make you feel happy, powerful, and inspired!

We are about to get really scientific in this explanation of why and how affirmations work so put your thinking cap on! First and foremost, you must understand the bundle of neurons in your brain that carries important subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. These neurons are your Reticular Activating System (RAS). This system filters out unnecessary information so that only the essentials make it to your conscious mind. Basically, your RAS delivers subconscious thoughts to your conscious mind. Therefore, the repetition of positive affirmations will train your RAS to filter through positivity as essential information.

Not only does the Reticular Activating System (RAS) filter essential information, but it also seeks proof to validate that information. In other words, when you repeat a phrase, your RAS seeks out supporting evidence to connect to the original thought. For example, if you’re repeating “There are no obstacles that I can not overcome.”, your RAS will recognize proof to validate that statement such as solving a problem rather than putting it off or letting the problem win. Your mind will begin to highlight positive situations while dimming negative ones and because your mind will be so focused on the positive, MORE positivity will come – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!

Affirmations For Mercury Retrograde

The key to surviving Mercury Retrograde is to just go with it. During this period, hic-ups are bound to occur so instead of getting angry and fighting it; focus on what IS going right and center yourself to adjust to any situation. Certain affirmations can connect you with the proper energy frequencies that can help offset some of the chaos mercury brings during its retrograde period. Repeat the affirmations below during this cycle to regain center and chill the fuck out.

Affirmations for Mercury Retrograde

  1. Life comes from me, not at me.
  2. I turn my reaction into compassion.
  3. I am centered and grounded
  4. I focus on healing my pain.
  5. It’s okay to change my mind.
  6. I perceive all things with love.
  7. My inner child wants to play.
  8. I listen to the guidance coming my way.
  9. The Universe has my back and is working out the best plan for my highest good
  10. My dreams only succeed when I take a chance on them.
  11. Thinking I don’t have a choice is a choice.
  12. I take time to rest.
  13. My emotional pain shows me what needs to be healed.
  14. I retreat inward for inspiration.
  15. My life is in perfect balance when I listen to my heart.
  16. I let go so I can let myself grow.
  17. I break free from all that is holding me back.
  18. Communication can save any situation.
  19. The grass is greenest where I stand.
  20. My life gets better by change, not chance.

Final Thoughts

In no way am I saying these affirmations will 100% protect you from the effects of Mercury Retrograde because, let’s face it, she’s a ruthless bitch BUT these affirmations will make her a hell of a lot more tolerable.

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