A Capricorn man, born between December 22 and January 19, is the embodiment of ambition, responsibility, and unwavering determination. To capture his heart, you’ll need to understand and appreciate his goal-oriented nature. In this article, we’re unveiling nine determined steps that will help you ascend the slopes to a Capricorn man’s heart. Get ready to embrace hard work, discipline, and love as solid as the mountains! *This post contains affiliate links Share Your Goals Capricorn men are driven by ambition. Share your own goals and aspirations, and demonstrate your dedication to self-improvement. Your commitment will resonate with his…
Pinterest Email Whatsapp Share Post reddit tumblr Messenger The key to surviving Mercury Retrograde is to just go with it. During this period, hic-ups are bound to occur so instead of getting angry and fighting it; focus on what IS going right and center yourself to adjust to any situation. In this post, discover 20 affirmations to use during Mercury Retrograde to regain your center and chill the fuck out. Scientifically, What is Mercury Retrograde? Planets move from east to west around the sun. When a planet is in retrograde it creates the illusion of moving backward, from west to…
Facebook Twitter Pinterest A love language is a concept coined by Dr. Gary Chapman. Every person expresses and receives love in their own unique way. According to Chapman, the 5 love languages are: Words of Affirmation Acts of Service Gift Giving Quality Time Physical Touch Still, it’s impossible to define love so easily. And it’s a sin to confine it. But if you’re not sure what your love language is, astrology can help you make sense of it. Related: The Dark Sides of Each Zodiac Sign 1 • Aries Aries Love Language: Words of Affirmation (Also: Physical Touch) The ever-warm…
Sharing is caring! Learn Feng Shui The art of Chinese Face Reading has its origin in the Daoist philosophy where its earliest reference can be found in the writings of Mr. Guiguzi. His writings are relevant even today. Traditionally, they are used as the method of Chinese fortune telling face reading. But, in recent times, it has gained significance in Chinese medicine. Through face reading in Chinese medicine, one can assess a patient’s mental and physical profiles, which helps in the proper diagnosis and treatment. Chinese Face Reading Here, we shall discuss in length how one can use this technique…
Astrology enthusiasts, mark your calendars! November 25, 2024, is shaping up to be a day of exceptional fortune for three lucky zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, and Virgo. With the Sun’s recent entry into Sagittarius and Mercury’s retrograde sparking unique shifts, the universe has aligned to create a perfect storm of opportunity and good luck. Here’s how the cosmic energies are expected to positively impact these signs. 1. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) Sun Enters Sagittarius: Your Time to Shine Sagittarius, this is your season! On November 25, the Sun shines brightly in your sign, kicking off your solar return—a…
Last Updated on July 9, 2022 by Wishbonix Use Moon Signs to time your Spells and Magic In contrast to the sun, which takes a year to go through all 12 signs of the zodiac, the moon only needs one month. Therefore, the moon “touches” all the zodiac signs for two to three days each month. The moon thus addresses the respective quality and brings different usable energies with it. An important starting point for determining a magically favorable day for your spell-work is the zodiac sign in which the moon is at different times. For example, a Moon in…
A Taurus tattoo is a great way to capture an important part of yourself without having to say anything. The most popular Taurus tattoo designs consist of the Taurus zodiac sign – one of the three earth signs in zodiac – symbolized by a bull’s head. Taurus is associated with beauty, sensuality, and art. Other Taurean characteristics include generosity and trustworthiness, determination, understanding, kindness, patience, and stubbornness. Being the second astrological sign (and the second house is the house of possession), Taurus is considered to be the sign which loves comfort and likes being surrounded by pleasing and soothing things.…
There are a variety of different cultures and belief systems, but they all share a commonality in the idea of spirit animals, also known as animal guides. Each of these spirit animals has its own unique impact on your life, drawing on different aspects of your personality as well as your capabilities and limitations. This gives a unique glimpse into the true nature of who you are and what you bring to the world around you. These creatures have a strong connection to our souls’ or ‘true selves’. In certain contexts, these are characteristics of our personalities that we are…
Aries Gifted with passion and willpower, you can take intuitive action, Aries. You may not see yourself as being particularly intuitive, as physical intuition is not honored as openly as other forms of intuition in today’s society. You are here to pioneer your way through life. Although some steps may bring forth fear, regret, or remorse, when you feel called to take action, it’s likely for a deeper reason. Your work is to live in personal integrity. One of the strongest gifts you bring to the world is the gift of your ability to take appropriate and bold action. Cancer Connected to the…
These 6 Zodiac Signs Will Change Their Fate In December And January In the ever-changing cosmos of life, our destiny can sometimes feel like a mysterious force leading us down a complicated path. For those who believe in the power of astrology, the movement of celestial bodies can play an important role in shaping our lives. As we approach December and January 2024, six zodiac signs will experience a profound change in their fortunes. This article looks at the unique aspects of each of these signs and looks at what the future holds for them. These 6 zodiac signs will change…