Introduction to Astrology and the Zodiac Signs
Zodiac Signs

Introduction to Astrology and the Zodiac Signs

Last Updated on August 18, 2022 by Wishbonix

Astrology and astrologers date back several millennia. The three Kings of the Bible were actually astrologers who were studying the motion of the stars. Astrologers pay attention to the relative positions of heavenly bodies. They believe that the position of the stars and planets at the time a person was born reflects aspects of their personality and can predict what is going to happen to them.

In astrology, there is the belief that life here on earth is strongly influenced by what is going on with the planets. Some believe that they can use the relative positions of the earth and other planets and stars in order to divine a person’s future. Others believe that astrology is just a form of superstition.

The History of Astrology

The earliest recorded origins of astrology were in the third millennium BCE. It has been present and a part of human culture ever since. Even in today’s time, people use it in the form of horoscopes, which are popularly read in magazines and newspapers. Astrology is Latin and comes from the word “astrologia”, which means astronomy.

One of the mottos of astrology is “as above, so below”. This means that the events of the heavens tell us a lot about what is going on in our own lives. It is the study of relationships and patterns that take place in the heavens. The four earth elements also play a big role in the study of astrology.

Different Types of Astrology

Classical Astrology

Classical astrology could be described as the basic form of modern astrology. It embodies an interpretation rather than an astrological direction and was practiced in the western world until around the mid-20th century before psychological astrology expanded, and astrology was divided into different specialist areas. There are still astrologers today who work classically and are very successful in this method.

Classical astrology is also called deterministic because it starts from the lack of free will of man and sees his destiny as predetermined. Humans are, therefore, irrevocably exposed to astrological influences and have no choice how to deal with them. This corresponds to the causal thinking of cause and effect according to the adage: This happens with this constellation. As a result, the stars in classical astrology are also clearly classified into good and bad influences, evils, and benefactors that bring us bad luck or luck. If someone has a bad horoscope, there is no way for him to avoid it or to change it positively.

Interestingly, this model worked well until around the beginning of the 20th century, which may have to do with the fact that in the ancient people had little choice of how they should live their lives. Rather, their path was on a certain path and depended heavily on the family into which they were born. This made it practically impossible for them to express an astrological constellation in one way or another or even to do self-awareness work that would have made them aware of their behavioral mechanisms and then to change them. In fact, life was more or less predetermined, and it was relatively easy for an astrologer to predict how a person would use his horoscope. Accordingly, it was possible to make very specific predictions and forecasts.

Psychological Astrology

The goal of psychological astrology is to describe people and their behavior. It originated from classical astrology but has a fundamentally different approach: people are at the center, have their own will, and are not unconditionally at the mercy of their fate. Although you cannot change your horoscope, you have the choice of how you want to express an astrological constellation. Therefore, psychological astrology also strives for freedom of value and refrains from the black-and-white thinking of classical astrology. There is no division into good and bad astrological influences. Rather, it is assumed that everything has two sides, namely a bright and a dark side. This is why the same constellation can be experienced positively or negatively by humans.

In psychological astrology, the planets are symbolically regarded as parts of the personality, and we can see from the horoscope how the different parts work together: whether they complement each other or oppose each other, perhaps even fighting or whether they are projected. Projection is a widely used term and means that a person does not express part of their personality (for example, assertiveness, which corresponds astrologically to Mars), but transfers it to the outside world. The result of this is that the person always gets into situations in which the projected property (for example, aggression) is brought towards them, apparently without them doing anything to it.

From the point of view of psychological astrology, the goal of the human being is to become whole, that is, to accept all parts of their personality (or his horoscope) belonging to them and to express it in a manner appropriate to them. If they can do that, they will be self-determined and free.

Magickal, Esoteric and Karmic Astrology

Esoteric means something like hidden knowledge. Karma is Sanskrit and means in Buddhism, the act that determines the form of rebirth or the present fate caused by earlier action.

Western traditional esotericism consists of four disciplines; one of them is astrology, the others are alchemy, kabbalah, and tarot. Esoteric astrology sees the human being embedded in a larger whole and looks at what is happening in the world in a universal context. It is also very clearly about a philosophical view of our existence and the original question of man, what is the reason for our existence. An esoteric or karmic interpretation of the horoscope, therefore, has the aim of illuminating the meaning of our life or being incarnated (being embodied) and describing our life’s task.

Some people also understand karmic astrology to mean specifically who we had embodied in a previous life, what we did or did not do then, and how this affects our existence today. Since such interpretations can hardly be checked, I think that they should be handled with care so as not to arouse unnecessary feelings of guilt or to give an excuse for not being able to cope better with life (because one is being punished for something).

If a person finds access to esoteric knowledge, he also has the opportunity to come into contact with strong energies that activate both his potential and its dark side, and which should not be underestimated. It is therefore advisable to grow to such an extent that one can deal with the personal energies consciously and appropriately. Otherwise, you may suddenly find yourself in the role of an apprentice magician and harm yourself and maybe also your environment.

The Planets

The planets represent the “moving part” of astrology. They show which properties of the zodiac are created within us. They act like a filter through which the energies of the zodiac signs are concentrated in us. In today’s astrology, we know ten planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The asteroids Vesta, Juno, Ceres, Pallas, and the small planetoid Chiron are also taken for interpretation. Lilith is a point on the orbit that the moon travels around the earth. This has also become an important interpretative factor.


The sun symbolizes a person’s central personality. It reveals a lot about a person’s self-awareness, vitality, and the way they act. The sun rules the zodiac sign, Leo. More


The moon says a lot about human emotions. It symbolizes the soul and the unconscious. He also regulates the need for tenderness and security. The moon belongs to the zodiac sign of Cancer. More


Mercury is the planet that regulates communication, knowledge, and the mind. He also influences linguistic and rhetorical skills. Mercury is the planet of the twin and the zodiac sign Virgo. More


Venus stands for aesthetics. It is the symbol of harmony and beauty. This planet also stands for sociability, togetherness, for values and openness. Venus is the planet of Libra and Taurus. More


Saturn stands for authority, consistency, and norm. It shows the need for order and security. Saturn is the ibex planet. More


Mars is the planet of achievement. It stands for energy, for physical strength and struggle. Mars also regulates courage, the ability to act, and assertiveness. Mars is the planet of Aries. More


Jupiter stands for optimism, growth, and expansion. This planet also regulates a person’s belief. Jupiter is the planet of Sagittarius. More


Uranus symbolizes creative intelligence. It stands for independence and individuality and regulates intuition. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius. More


Planet Neptune stands for spirituality, inspiration, and basic instinct. It shows dedication, willingness to help, and social commitment. Neptune is the planet of the zodiac sign Pisces. More


Pluto stands for depth, passion, and power. It regulates concentration, spiritual will, and motivation. Pluto is the planet of the zodiac sign Scorpio. More


The planetoid Chiron is the symbol of personal vulnerability. It shows the confrontation with pain, shows the less beautiful parts in people, but at the same time symbolizes their acceptance and acceptance in life and thus stands for spiritual growth.


Lilith is the mysterious, dark moon goddess. It can also be described as the feminine power of the soul. It is a shadow, as it were, an energy that slumbers in people and takes its toll. This energy is intangible and uncontrollable and indicates the cycle of becoming and passing away as well as the need to let go.

The Elements – Triplicities

The twelve signs of the zodiac are rooted in the four elements and represent them in their own way, symbolizing certain facets of an element. The opposite signs form polarities, such as Pisces and Virgo, Aquarius and Leo, etc. But the totality of the twelve signs of the zodiac is important because they form the whole. If you connect the astrological signs of the zodiac with uniform triangles, pentagrams are created that point upwards, but also the perverted forms, the downward-pointing pentagrams that stand for black magic and lower instincts. But the goal is the all-healing embodiment, the harmonious connection of all elements for the benefit of the whole.

Fire Element

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

The fire element is dynamic, energetic, and constructive. Nothing can go fast enough. It is traveling, inspiring, leading, and full of optimism. The fire element is quickly spent and is not very persistent. On the negative side, it can be very impatient, aggressive, domineering, and choleric. However, it is not resentful. It has no practical skills. More

Water Element

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The water element is emotional, compassionate, calm, and careful. His memory is excellent. It is endowed with patience and is naturally humble and accommodating. It is able to forgive, to put itself in others, and is very kind. There is also an interest in the occult. On the negative side, the water element can be resentful and hurtful and snub. More

Air Element

Air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

The air element is very communicative, curious, and inquisitive. Everything that has to do with language, learning, and knowledge falls into this area. But it can change its mind quickly and is extremely fickle. On the negative side, it’s fearful, arrogant, and know-it-all. More

Earth Element

Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

The earth element is practically oriented and gifted accordingly. It is reliable, resilient, and loyal. It sticks to its once-made opinion. It is slow and lacks imagination. On the negative side, it is resentful, stingy, and stubborn to the point of stubbornness. More


Quadruplicities – Modes of Quality

In addition to the elements, the zodiac signs are assigned qualities. These are also known as cross qualities because they build a bridge to the four elements of the zodiac. In astrology, the quality signifies the sign’s interaction with the outside world.


The Cardinal Signs are:

  • Aries
  • Cancer
  • Libra
  • Capricorn

The term “cardinal” describes something determining, resolute, decisive.

Accordingly, the cardinal signs Aries, Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer are leaders of their respective elements. They are characterized by an active nature, like to set the tone and take their fate into their own hands.

The Qualities of the Cardinal Signs are Action, Initiative, Leadership, and Outgoing Activity.


The Fixed Signs are:

  • Taurus
  • Leo
  • Scorpio
  • Aquarius

Fixed, also fixed zodiac signs represent that group of zodiac signs, which is characterized by perseverance and persistence.

They have a strong opinion and almost unchangeable points of view. Once you have made a decision, you will no longer move away from it. With their stubbornness, however, they often miss out on great opportunities.

The Qualities of the Fixed Signs are Persistence, Single-Mindedness, Determination, and Resourcefulness.


The Mutable Signs are:

  • Gemini
  • Virgo
  • Sagittarius
  • Pisces

The mutable signs of the zodiac like to take unconventional paths in life. Their goals in life often differ from those of the other two groups because their main motivation lies in achieving inner goals in life, such as self-development, forgiveness, and inner peace. Of all three groups of squares, it is also the easiest for them to deal with changes. The downside, however, is its volatility. In contrast to the fixed and cardinal zodiac qualities, the mutable zodiac signs do not always achieve their goals. They are easier to distract and get off track before they reach their destination. This is mainly due to the diversity of their interests, but sometimes also due to a lack of discipline.

The Qualities of the Mutal Signs are Adaptability, Versalitily, Openness to Change, and Flexibility.

The Twelve Astrological Signs

In the 12 signs of the zodiac, all of our human characteristics, all of our knowledge about humans and nature, as well as all kinds of healing possibilities are contained and stored. The zodiac is the basis of all astrology, and everyone has the complete zodiac within them.


March 21 – April 19

  • Duality: Masculine
  • Triplicity (Element): Fire
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Cardinal

  • Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Characteristics: Leadership, focused, demanding, vitality, courage.


April 20 – May 20

  • Duality: Feminine
  • Triplicity (Element): Earth
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Fixed

  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Characteristics: Sensual, stable, stubborn, practical, productive.


May 21 – June 20

  • Duality: Masculine
  • Triplicity (Element): Air
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Mutable

  • Ruling Planet: Mercury
  • Characteristics: Versatile, witty, communicative, rational, takes pleasure in learning


June 21 – July 22

  • Duality: Feminine
  • Triplicity (Element): Water
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Cardinal

  • Ruling Planet: The Moon
  • Characteristics: Intuition, family-focused, stubborn, psychic, nurture.


July 23 – August 22

  • Duality: Masculine
  • Triplicity (Element): Fire
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Fixed

  • Ruling Planet: The Sun
  • Characteristics: Power, vitality, glamour, attention oriented, optimism.


August 23 – September 22

  • Duality: Feminine
  • Triplicity (Element): Earth
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Mutable

  • Ruling Planet: Mercury
  • Characteristics: Service, analysis, differentiates, critical, detailist.


September 23 – October 22

  • Duality: Masculine
  • Triplicity (Element): Air
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Cardinal

  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Characteristics: Balance, harmony, a sense of beauty and proportion, tactful.


October 23 – November 21

  • Duality: Feminine
  • Triplicity (Element): Water
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Fixed

  • Ruling Planet: Pluto
  • Characteristics: Passionate, transformation, organized, corrosive, piercing


November 22 – December 21

  • Duality: Masculine
  • Triplicity (Element): Fire
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Mutable

  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter
  • Characteristics: Independence, idealism, education, cheerful, free-spirit.


December 22 – January 19

  • Duality: Feminine
  • Triplicity (Element): Earth
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Cardinal

  • Ruling Planet: Saturn
  • Characteristics: Disciplined, materialist, industrious, proud, enduring.


January 20 – February 19

  • Duality: Masculine
  • Triplicity (Element): Air
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Fixed

  • Ruling Planet: Uranus
  • Characteristics: Intellectual, individuality, eccentricity, communicative, humanitarian.


February 20 – March 20

  • Duality: Feminine
  • Triplicity (Element): Water
  • Quadruplicity (Quality): Mutable

  • Ruling Planet: Neptune
  • Characteristics: Sensitive, intuitive, mysticism, imaginative, helpful.

The Houses

In astrology, the twelve houses embody fundamental life issues that provide the framework for human development. Each house touches a different facet: together they form the kaleidoscope of the possibilities of your own life.

1st House (Ascendant) – The Individual Personality

Ruling Sign: Aries

The First House illuminates all areas of life. It represents the personality, the nature and the way we go through our lives. The First House says a lot about us. Not only the ascendant is a large part of our traits, but also the planets that are in the first house.

2nd House – Values and Possessions

Ruling Sign: Taurus

The second house stands for money and possessions. The things that are valuable to us and that we appreciate. It also represents our own self-esteem. Hidden talents and desires are also hidden in the second house.

3rd House – Communication

Ruling Sign: Gemini

Planets in the third house provide information about communication, self-expression, the relationship with family and loved ones, and day-to-day travel. The third house corresponds to the zodiac sign Gemini. So it shows the way you communicate. It also stands for short trips and for family and everyone in your immediate surroundings, including neighbors.

4th House – Roots and Origins

Ruling Sign: Cancer

The fourth house represents the home and our origin, and what relationship we have with it. It also shows something about the relationship with our parents, our early childhood and, paradoxically, there is also information about our retirement. It tells how we will spend the years when we come to age.

5th House – Pleasure and Creativity

Ruling Sign: Leo

The fifth house has several meanings. It stands for love, sex, romance, and love affairs. It also stands for children and creativity, sporting activities, games of chance and speculation, in short, everything that is fun. All other houses mentioned before are concerned with how to cope with life. The fifth house is the first house in which the fun of living really comes into play. In love, however, it does not point to marriage, but only to romance, and these are two completely different things.

6th House – Work and Routine

Ruling Sign: Virgo

The Sixth House deals with the daily work, not the career, but the work you have to do to be able to live. It also stands for employees, subordinates, and colleagues. The Sixth House interprets the quality of the service that we pass on to others, as well as the service that we are given by others. The second meaning of the Sixth House is health, our vitality and the areas where we are susceptible to disease.

7th House – Relating

Ruling Sign: Libra

The Seventh House is about partnerships and partners. The planets in the seventh house give clues to how the relationship with partners is structured. Furthermore, the Seventh House deals with enemies, people, organizations and the like who are hostile towards you. Here, too, planets in the Seventh House tell you how to deal with such enemies.

8th House – Loss and Common Property

Ruling Sign: Scorpio

There is something mysterious about the Eighth House. Many associate it with birth and death, with decay and reconstruction. The ruler of the Eighth House is the planet Pluto, which stands for all these things. The Eighth House has also other meanings. It also stands for other people’s money, loans, taxes and the effects and influences that we have on social society.

9th House – Philosophies and Far Countries

Ruling Sign: Sagittarius

The Ninth House rules philosophy, higher education, religion, and long journeys. It stands for our principles and our view of the world.

10th House (MC) – Occupation and Calling

Ruling Sign: Capricorn

In the Tenth House, we face our image to the outside world, our role in society and our career. Not only is the sign at the top of the house very noticeable here, but the planets in this house also have a significant impact on our lives. After all, these are our goals in life, success and our status.

11th House – Friends and Acquaintances

Ruling Sign: Aquarius

Friends, hopes and wishes are topics of the Eleventh House, but also the way we deal with groups and organizations and our attitude to business relationships. Furthermore, the Eleventh House stands for the gain in our life, what we create in material goods.

12th House – Beyond the Personal

Ruling Sign: Pisces

The Twelfth House doesn’t have the best reputation. It stands for seclusion, psychological problems, illnesses, prisons, hospitals, and self-destruction, as well as for the invisible enemies. In the Twelfth House, you hide, looking for peace and meditation. It also embodies spirituality, death, the hereafter and “finding oneself”.

The Aspects

An Aspects is the relationship between two planets and is based on how many degrees they are apart from each other. When two planets or stars are at a certain distance from each other, one speaks of aspects.

In the interpretation of the aspects, we assume that the angular relationship between two planets describes the relationship between the two planetary energies or personality parts in the horoscope. If two planets are in relation to each other, they have something to do with each other, and whenever one is active, the other also comes into play. This rule also applies, of course, if several planets are linked together in a whole aspect.


The conjunction is considered the strongest aspect; two or more planets are in the same degree of the zodiac. The meaning of the conjunction is a “combination of forces”, but the impact depends on the nature of the planets concerned. Conjunctioned planets always work together, regardless of whether they harmonize with each other.



The horoscope circle is divided by two; the angle is 180° and is the greatest possible distance in the zodiac. The planets face each other directly. This means tension and doubt, being torn and uncertain. The opposition can spur activity. The planets are in signs that connect something in common (axes), so they have the opportunity to complement each other in a strange way.



If the horoscope circle is divided by three, an angle of 120 ° is created: the trine. It effortlessly connects two signs of the same element (for example air and air), and the energy can flow freely. The trine means rest, balance, relaxation, and energy, but it can also lead to laziness.



The planets are at right angles to each other. The square has the meaning of tension and conflict. The affected planets initially work against each other and inhibit each other. The square brings with it acute problems that have to be solved. But it also promises the necessary energy and strength to solve the tensions constructively. This aspect has the greatest potential.

The exact square always falls into a different element and a different polarity, but the quality has the same realization power. The square shows what should be worked out.



The sextile is usually still one of the main aspects. It connects two complementary, related elements (fire with air, water with earth). The sextile acts like a weak trine that is, harmoniously, but it requires a greater effort from the person concerned. The sextile is also called the development aspect.

Minor Aspects

Besides the major aspects listed above, there are also a number of minor aspects.



The Quincunx has two planets at an angle of 150° to each other. This aspect lies between the trine and the opposition and is considered one of the most important secondary aspects. The Quincunx is calculated with an Orbis of up to 3 °.

A Quincunx cannot be described as analytical, synthetic, or harmonic, because two different energies are connected here. It is considered to be particularly difficult because the horoscope owner often has to use a lot of strength and effort without success. It is not always possible to integrate the energy. A Quincunx can show new ways – and offers ways to rethink personal patterns.



If two planets are at an angular distance of 45 ° to each other, one speaks of a semi-square (eighth note, semi-square, octile). It is usually of little importance because it is a secondary aspect. The calculation should be done with a small orb of a maximum of one to two degrees.

The semi-square is one of the analytical aspects and is similar in energy to the square. Tensions are displayed, but they are not as strong and are therefore easier to ignore. It is associated with smoldering arguments that can have a long-term effect.



If in one aspect, there are two planets at an angle of 135 degrees to each other, then one speaks of a one and a half square. This one and a half square can be seen as a secondary aspect. It is also one of the analytical aspects and is similar in energy to the square. Tensions are displayed, but they are not as strong and are therefore easier to ignore. A one and a half square is often associated with smoldering arguments that can have a long-term effect. In some cases, further, development is only possible through self-destructive driving forces – or so it seems.



The semi-sextile is also called duodecimal / duodenal and is based on the twelve division of the circle. It is a secondary aspect with weak tension, in which two planets are at an angle of 30 ° to each other. It is calculated with an Orbis from 1 ° to 2 °.

Semi-sextiles often act on an instinctive level and create connections where the planetary energies involved do not know exactly what to do with each other. They can also be foreign energies, so they have a bad reputation. With this constellation, there may also be an opportunity if the planet in the preceding sign prepares the basis for the next one.


The orbs denote the scope within which one aspect is valid. However, throughout the history of astrology, there is disagreement about the size of the orbs.

As long as the discussion continues, every astrologer has to make a decision for himself. Some astrologers make the size of the orbs dependent on the nature of the aspect, others on the planets concerned.

Ultimately, it will always be a question of your own horoscope interpretation of how big you accept the Orbs. Larger orbs are often used for main aspects than for secondary aspects.

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