Period Tips for Beginners: 9 Things I Changed That Have Helped Me Enjoy My Periods
Health & Fitness

Period Tips for Beginners: 9 Things I Changed That Have Helped Me Enjoy My Periods

Period tips to navigate your menstrual cycle with ease. From managing cramps to eco-friendly product choices, this blog covers everything you need for a happier period experience.”

Often, I’ve always dreaded period days because of what seemed to follow afterwards.  The aftermath or my post-menstrual syndrome was quite annoying. I would experience discomforts like V. itchiness, face scratching, and getting small blisters in my yoni.

Some days it would be vaginal dryness or pain when making love. Psychologically, I could experience mood swings, anger, anxiety, and low energy.

All this thing really drained me until I came to this realization, that navigating my monthly cycle doesn’t have to be daunting.

In fact, with a few simple adjustments and a bit of knowledge, I could start embracing my periods with grace and vitality.

And that is what I’m sharing today.

If you’re one of those women who struggle with unpleasant post-menstrual syndromes or period issues like the ones mentioned above, then this post is for you.

Here I’m taking you through 9 things I changed that have helped me enjoy my periods

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period tips and tricks

1. Avoiding Intercourse During Your First Three Days To Curb Infections

Avoiding sex during the first three days of your menses is a period tip you need to master as a woman, especially if you’re prone to recurring UTIs.

Menstrual blood can temporarily affect the pH balance of the vagina, making it slightly more alkaline. Changes in vaginal pH can alter the environment and potentially promote the growth of harmful bacteria that can increase the risk of yeast infection or UTIs .

Avoiding intercourse during the first few days of menstruation allows the vaginal pH to return to its normal acidic state, which is less conducive to bacterial growth.

Also, during menstruation, the cervix may be slightly open, which can increase the risk of bacterial transfer from the vagina to the urinary tract.

Avoiding intercourse during this time reduces the likelihood of introducing bacteria into the urinary tract, especially the hepatitis virus that lives in the blood and can be spread through infected menstrual blood.


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2. Supplementing Seriously

Taking specific supplements before and during my menses have come in handy in reducing post – menstrual issues.

I do take iron supplements to lessen body itchiness.

Iron levels naturally drop after a menstrual cycle, and even a slight decrease can cause body aches, fatigue, irritability, and brain fog. Be sure to supplement through food and appropriate supplements.

Also, I usually have a  B-complex supplement to help with fatigue and bloating.

Additionally, I do take magnesium-rich foods and supplements to reduce moodiness.

According to literature reviews, magnesium supplements may prevent menstrual cramps and migraines. A combination of magnesium with vitamin B6 can effectively reduce premenstrual stress and anxiety, especially in older women. 

Magnesium  works by relaxing the smooth muscle of the uterus and by reducing the prostaglandins that cause period pain. 

Research also suggests that it can calm your nervous system and reduce PCOS.

 Another study found that Taking 150mg to 300mg of magnesium helps alleviate pain and reduce menstrual bleeding, although 300 mg was more effective.

Additionally, some women find that soaking in magnesium salt during their menses increases relaxation in their abdomen. 

You may start by eating foods rich in magnesium, like nuts, seeds, and avocados. This will help with moodiness and unexplained anger. A study shows that magnesium can prevent mild depression.

3. Avoiding Sugary Food and Coffee

Avoiding sugary foods during my menses has also been one of the best decisions ever. It has assisted in alleviating the abdominal pain and severity of menstrual cramps.

Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that play a role in regulating inflammation and pain. During menstruation, the uterus produces higher levels of prostaglandins, which can cause the uterine muscles to contract more strongly and result in increased pain.

Some studies suggest that consuming sugary foods may stimulate the production of prostaglandins, potentially worsening menstrual cramps.

Since sugar is considered highly inflammatory food, it may increase vasoconstriction of the blood vessels that feeds the uterine musculature. This may result in uterine cramping due to decreased blood flow to the uterus.

During your menses do away with soft drinks like soda, or energy drinks . Also ditch your over saltiness or caffeinated drinks if you want to enjoy these days.


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4. Investing in Absorbent Period Panties for a Cozy Night

Do you wish to forget about the anxiety of dirtying your bed due to heavy flow? Just get these pants.

Unlike pads or tampons, which need to be changed regularly, period panties (of course in know they’re meant for postpartum lol!) can be worn for extended periods, including overnight. This convenience makes them an excellent option for a cozy night’s sleep, as you won’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to change your menstrual product.

Period panties typically feature built-in absorbent layers that help capture menstrual flow and prevent leaks.

Besides they provide a lot of comfort. Period panties are often made of soft, breathable fabrics designed to keep you comfortable throughout the night.

They provide a cozy alternative to traditional pads or tampons, which can sometimes feel bulky or uncomfortable, especially when lying down.


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5. Doing Abdominal massage with lavender oil for relaxation

Lavender oil is often used in aromatherapy for its mood-enhancing properties. I found massaging my  abdomen with lavender oil during menses to help uplift my moods and reduce feelings of irritability.

In addition, it’s a sure way to improve blood circulation in the abdominal region, and massage can alleviate menstrual cramps or discomfort.

Just ensure you get a good grade Lavender oil and mix it with carrier oil like this one.

6. A Cup of Lemon Water for Bloating

Introducing lemon water into my period routine was a game-changer. The refreshing concoction offered surprising relief from menstrual symptoms and helped alleviate bloating and enlarged stomach syndrome.

Normally, I’ll take a glass of lemon water in the morning and lemon tea in between meals .

Additionally, lemon has natural diuretic properties that can ease water retention, leaving you feeling lighter and more balanced throughout your cycle. No more constipation!


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7. Using Personal Care Disposal Bags – For Pads and Liners

If you’re struggling with Odor reduction during menses like me, then just grab this disposal bags. Honestly this bags have helped a lot when it comes to curbing that unpleasant smells from period care product waste.

Period bags contain a fresh fragrance and safe odor-inhibiting additive to tackle unwanted smell from items like tampons, sanitary pads. You can also travel with them comfortable thus reducing the stress about how to dispose your pads while on the go.

8. The Less You Do, the Better.

I’ve also come to a realization that the less you do during your periods the better . Your yoni is experiencing some stress during this time, and the last thing it needs from you is to be subjected to hardship.

  • Wash the area with only water and mild soap with no colour or scent.
  • Get the softest pads and breathable underwear that do not trap moisture.
  • Engage in Less non-vigorous exercise.
  • Embrace more rest

9. Using Saline Water and White Vinegar for Quick Blood Stain Removal

Sometimes, you may wake up with a red sheet! Don’t worry. A little mixture of saline water will save the day.

Wash the stained part with cold saline water, and soak the entire sheet in cold water for about an hour. Be sure not to do this with nylon fabrics.

Alternatively, you can use white vinegar.

If the stain is tiny, wash that spot in a bowl of vinegar first and wait 30 minutes before washing your entire sheet in cold water with your desired detergent. For a larger stain, just pour vinegar over the stain. Wait 30 minutes, then clean the bed sheet as usual using cold water.

Take way.

Incorporating these beginner-friendly period tips into your cycle routine allows you to navigate your menstrual cycle with greater ease, confidence, and vitality. Remember, every individual’s experience with menstruation is unique, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you.


The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. 
I’m not a health practitioner and as such, this information should not be used 
as a substitute for consultation with your professional service provider.

Up Next:

How To Curb Your Sugar Cravings For Good


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