Vaginal Care: Feminine Hygiene Tips and Products I Wish I Knew Sooner
Health & Fitness

Vaginal Care: Feminine Hygiene Tips and Products I Wish I Knew Sooner

Discover essential feminine hygiene tips for maintaining optimal health. From proper vag care, choosing the right pH-balanced cleansers to practicing proper feminine hygiene after sex, we delve into practical advice to help you feel confident and fresh every day.

If there’s one topic that is often subjected to whispers and discreet conversations is—feminine hygiene.

But why?

Discussions about feminine hygiene often involve intimate and private aspects of a woman’s life.

It’s all about the perfect care of your vagina and vulva—the shenanigans of caring for the internal, and external part of the genitals.

As such, some may prefer to keep these matters private. More so, if the discussion collides with cultural taboos. Any question surrounding the topic will be buried before it sees the light of the day.

But should it be so? No.

The journey towards understanding feminine hygiene is not just about personal care. It’s a narrative of women’s empowerment, self-awareness, confidence-building, and breaking societal taboos.

This post aims to reveal feminine hygiene tips every woman should know before puberty. We aim to foster a community where women can feel informed, and confident when it comes to their bodies.

Ready to learn?

Let’s dive right in.

Feminine hygiene refers to practices and products designed to promote cleanliness and maintain the health of the female reproductive system.

It encompasses a range of habits and routines to prevent infection and discomfort while promoting overall feminine well-being.

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1. Monitoring to act fast

Monitoring to act promptly has been one of the best feminine hygiene tips I’ve learned in recent years.


According to gynecologists, there is no way you can tell if something is off with your yoni unless you’re familiar with it.

As a woman, you ought to spend time learning the way your genitals look, feel and smell.

Regular monitoring lets you detect changes or abnormalities in your feminine things. This may include unusual discharge, odor, itching, or irritation.

You may start by sniffing the crotch of your underwear. Better still get a pH test stripes like these ones.

Also, try to slow down in the shower. Look at your genitals with a hand mirror and touching or fingering yourself.

Additionally, it would help if you normalized visiting a gynae for checkups.

Sometimes, your yoni smells fleshy, which is okay. But when it starts to smell fishy or fish-like, it may be a sign of BV infection.

Earthy or musky odor, which is often cannabis-like, may be pleasing. It’s the natural scent of some healthy bacteria. However, when you start sniffing soreness, chemical-ish or metal-ish smells without menstruation, then you need to re-check your health.

Shop for test stripes here


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2. Eat More Probiotics for Feminine Hygiene

The female reproductive system, including the vagina, consists of a delicate ecosystem. As such, it relies on a harmonious mix of bacteria to maintain optimal health.

Eating probiotics like Yogurt with live cultures can help promote a healthy balance in your vaginal flora.

Also, fermented food like kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi consists of beneficial bacteria that replenish your system.

Regularly eating probiotics supplements like AZO that support feminine health helps to lower the overgrowth of harmful pathogens that cause infections.

Shop for Best Vag Supplement Here


11 Reasons Why Every Woman Needs A probiotic Once In a While

3. Feed Your Yoni What is Necessary

The best feminine hygiene should begin from within. The food we eat affects the functioning of various body parts, including our Yonis.

To keep your yoni healthy, take a lot of natural cranberries.

Cranberries contain chemical compounds that may help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). This fruit is a lifesaver. It also helps prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract walls to cause UTIs.

Also, make healthy fats your best friend. Omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds, and chia seeds may have anti-inflammatory properties that can support the body’s response to infections. To maintain good immunity, vitamin C should be in your everyday diet.

Additionally, eat whole grain foods like brown rice, quinoa, and oats. This provides essential fiber, promoting overall digestive health and prebiotics which can impact the balance of vaginal flora.


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4. Drink Adequate Amount of Water Daily

Staying well-hydrated is crucial for maintaining adequate moisture levels in the body, including the vaginal area. Proper hydration supports your vulva immensely.

It prevents dryness and itchiness.

The feminine system is a delicate ecosystem, and such severe dehydration can interfere with its pH balance, which encourages the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

Additionally, adequate hydration helps flush out bacteria from the body through frequent peeing which promotes vaginal health.

5. Clean Your External Genitalia for Feminine Hygiene

Maintaining regular personal hygiene is a must for every female. When showering or bathing, ensure you clean your external vulva, including the folds of the labia and clitoris.

It’s best to use your fingers or a soft cloth when cleaning. Why?

Excessive cleaning can interfere with the flora balance, which can increase the risk of infection.

Also, use mild fragrance-free soaps when cleaning the vulva to avoid disrupting the pH balance.

Additionally, Keep the vulva area dry to prevent moisture buildup. A warm, moist environment promotes the overgrowth of pathogens.

6 . Soaking In  ACV for Feminine Hygiene

Soaking in a bathtub with apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one of the feminine hygiene routine tips I wish I had known sooner.

ACV is slightly acidic, which helps to balance the pH levels of the vaginal area. Maintaining the natural pH balance is essential for preventing the overgrowth of yeast and other bacteria. Which can cause infections and odor.

It also contains acetic acid, which has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Soaking in diluted ACV can help soothe irritation, itching and inflammation in the vaginal area.

7. Avoiding Douching

The vagina (that internal part) cleanses itself. Its walls produce mucus-like fluids that carry the dead cells and other microorganisms to the outside. Therefore, vaginal douching is not recommended. It only disrupts the natural ecosystem of your reproductive system.

Caring for your innerwear is essential for maintaining hygiene, comfort, and durability. Regular washing removes bacteria, sweat, and other bodily fluids.

For best practices;

8. Deep-clean Your Underwear in White Vinegar

Deep cleaning your underwear with white vinegar can be essential for maintaining feminine hygiene.


White vinegar can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi.

It is a disinfectant that neutralizes odors. This includes fishy smell caused by sweat and bacteria buildup in underwear.

Soaking your underwear in a solution of white vinegar overnight before washing will keep your garments smelling fresh.

Further more, White vinegar has antifungal properties.

It can can stop the growth of yeast and reduce the risk of conditions like yeast infections or itchiness.

Shop for White Vinegar Here

9. Wash Your Underwear Separately

Washing your underwear separately is crucial for every woman. It helps to maintain better hygiene, control odors, prevent staining, and prolong the lifespan of delicate fabrics.

Underwear comes into direct contact with your body’s most sensitive areas, including the genitals and anal region.

Washing them separately helps prevent the spread of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes that may be present on soiled clothes. This reduces the risk of cross-contamination with other clothing items.

10. Air-drying Your Undies for Feminine Hygiene

Air-drying is the best option for most types of innerwear. Hang  panties on a drying rack or clothesline slightly away from direct sunlight to prevent them from losing their shape.

Avoid using a dryer. The dryer heat can damage elastic fibres and shrink delicate fabrics.

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11. Rotate Your Underwear

Rotating between multiple pairs of underwear allows each pair to air out and fully dry between wears. This helps prevent the buildup of moisture, sweat, and bacteria. as such you reduce the risk of odor and infections in the genital area.

12. Replace Undies After an Infection.

Underwear can harbor bacteria and yeast that may contribute to the recurring of infections. Even after washing, some microbes may remain embedded in the fabric.

Replacing underwear after an infection ensures that you prevent cross-contamination and reinfection.

Start with a fresh, clean pair after a severe vaginal infection to lower the risk of reinfection.

13. Choose Breathable Fabrics

Opt for underwear made from breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics like cotton or bamboo. These materials help keep the vaginal area dry. A clean and dry yoni is less susceptible to irritation or infections.

Shop for Breathable Underwear Here

14. Go Commando at Night

Please allow your miss. V to breath.

Allowing the genital area to breathe freely by sleeping without underwear may help maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria. This can reduce the risk of yeast infections and other vaginal discomforts.

Going commando at night encourages vagina dryness, thus lowering the risk of developing vaginal infections.

15. Normalize urinating after having sex to avoid developing a UTI

The sooner you normalize peeing after sex, the better. It’s alleged that peeing within 30 minutes after sex helps lower the risk of contracting Urinal Tract Infections (UTIs) in women.


The path from your urethra to your bladder is short compared to men. Because of this distance, bacteria can easily travel from your Vagina to your bladder.

Urinating soon enough can act as a preventive measure so bacteria do not travel deeper and cause a UTI.

16. Observe Your Discharge

Pay attention to any unusual pain or changes in vaginal discharge, odor, or sensation after sex. If you experience persistent itching, burning, or unusual discharge, consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and treatment.

Sometimes you may notice bloody traces in your discharge when wiping yourself. Be cautious, as this is not normal.


18 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Fishy Vaginal Odor Naturally

17. Wash Your Hands After Sex for Feminine Hygiene

Wash your hands with soap and water before and after engaging in sexual activity to prevent the spread of bacteria. Also trim your fingernails regularly to reduce the risk of scratching the delicate skin in the genital area.

18. Avoid Sharing Sex Toys

If using sex toys, avoid sharing them with partners without thoroughly cleaning them first. You may consider using condoms on sex toys to curb the spread of bacteria-causing infections.

19. Drink Water to Pee More.

When you stay hydrated, you’ll pee more, which means that more bacteria will wash out of your body before infections can flare up.

20. Use Water to Wash Your Yoni

Rinsing the genital area with water alone is sufficient for removing any sweat, lubricant, or semen residue after sex. You may also Clean the secretions from front to back using non-soapy wipes. Dry the vulva with a clean towel afterwards.

21. Practice Kegel Exercises for Feminine Health

Kegel exercises are extremely important for women. These exercises serve to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum.

When done correcting, Kegel helps to prevent issues like urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, fecal incontinence, and gas issues, especially after childbirth or as women age.

Furthermore, strong pelvic floor muscles can lead to improved sexual satisfaction for women.


It increases blood flow, thus improving pelvic muscle tone and potentially leading to more intense orgasms.


22. Always wipe from front to back

Whether peeing or you’re on a long call, always wipe from front to back. This is a matter your guardian teaches you from a young age, but if you didn’t know, I’m glad that you now know.

Wiping from the front prevents the transfer of germs from the anus to the vulva. Ensure that you wipe clean, even if it means using water. This helps to lower the risk of anal infections and vaginal itching.

23. Limit the use of scented wipes and vaginal deodorants

While the use of vaginal deodorant and scented wipes remains common among women, doctors warn that it could be harmful.

According to Dr Lucy, women use deodorants to curb the odor from the Vagina, which shouldn’t be the case. This is because it’s normal for the Vagina to have some odor, and washing the vulva with plain water is enough.

These perfumed products can disrupt Vagina’s p H or healthy natural balance. Dr. Lucy states that it’s natural for your Miss V. to have some odor that changes with different times of the reproductive cycle.

You should, thus, avoid applying scented products on your Yoni if you want to reduce or eliminate itchiness.


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24. Use a Bidet After Toilet

Bidets provide a thorough and gentle cleansing of the genital area. Bidets can help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other genital infections.

They effectively remove bacteria and other contaminants from the skin, which can help women feel cleaner and fresher after using the toilet.

This can be particularly beneficial during menstruation, after intercourse, or for general personal hygiene.

25. Clean Your Toilet Daily

Women are particularly susceptible to urinary tract issues.

Why? The proximity of the urethra to the anus increases the potential risk for contamination from faecal bacteria. Using a clean toilet reduces the risk of introducing harmful bacteria into the urinary tract.

A clean toilet reduces the risk of exposure to harmful pathogens. These bacteria and viruses are responsible for infections like bacterial vaginosis and UTIs.

26. Limit the Use of Synthetically Dyed Toilet Paper

Some synthetic dyes used in toilet paper may contain chemicals. When used frequently, these chemicals can cause irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive areas like Yoni. 

To be safe, limit exposure to these dyes to prevent skin irritation and other adverse health effects.

Feminine hygiene tips after sex


For women on the go, maintaining feminine hygiene is essential for comfort, confidence, and overall well-being. Here are some quick and practical tips for feminine hygiene while you’re out and about:

27. Carry Wet Wipes or Feminine Wipes

Keep a pack of wet wipes or specifically designed feminine wipes in your bag for easy cleaning and freshening up throughout the day. They’re convenient for quick touch-ups after using public restrooms or during menstruation.

Shop for Feminine Wipes Here

28. Use a Portable Bidet

Consider investing in a portable bidet or a travel-sized bottle with a nozzle attachment. These devices allow you to cleanse yourself with water, providing a more thorough and hygienic alternative to dry toilet paper.

29. Practice Proper Toilet Hygiene

When using public restrooms, practice proper toilet hygiene to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination. Use toilet seat covers or toilet paper to create a barrier between your skin and the toilet seat, and always wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

Shop Disposable Toilet Covers Here

30. Pack Spare Underwear

Keep a spare pair of underwear in your bag in case of emergencies. This can come in handy if your underwear gets soiled or if you need to change after sweating or participating in physical activities.

31. Observe Hand Hygiene Before and After

Regularly wash your hands with soap and water, especially after using the restroom or handling menstrual products. Proper hand hygiene helps to lower the spread of germs. Additionally, it reduces the risk of infections.


The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. 
I’m not a health practitioner and as such, this information should not be used as a substitute for consultation with your professional service provider.


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